Thursday, September 25, 2008

Home Alone

I am home all alone right now!!! WOW can you believe it?!?! This is such a STRANGE occurrence. I can hear nothing but the attic fan, the house is some what clean & I know that I have a good hour just to put my feet up & enjoy!!!
I am learning to celebrate the small things and this is defiantly reason to celebrate. I went probably at least 5 or 6 years with NEVER being at home alone, but FINALLY the kids are getting bigger & I am getting more & more chances like this.
The Mr. took all the kiddos to the gym to practice b-ball (with Hopie). I hope that are having a delightful time because I know that I sure am!!!
I am off to park my hiney on the couch & see what's on t.v.!!!

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