Friday, September 12, 2008

Training Days

So training for a 10k run is hard work, but I have totally surprised myself because I am LOVING every minute of it!!! I have lost 3 pds this week, yay me!!!!! My Pastor has called a fast from caffeine & man made sugar things this week, so I'm sure that helped a ton. I am going to the Y everyday & jogging 2.25 miles and I am also doing weight machines. I think that I must be kinda weird because I love being in the weights room, it has such a strong, determined, I can do it atmosphere (reminds me a little of Rocky). Strange, I know!!!
So next week I plan on going to 3.5 miles everyday, I really hope that I can do it. The Mr. accompanied me today & I think he was a little surprised at how hard I have been working out, LOVE that!!! We ran side by side on the treadmills and I have to say, he was red & sweaty (really red & really sweaty) by time we finished our 2.25 miles. I was pretty impressed that he could just pick up & run that much even with no "building up" to it even if his shirt was completely soaked. Anyhoo... I guess I have a new work out partner because he liked it & wants to get in shape. I secretly think he just wants to show me up!!! We are both so darn competitive that we will end up killing ourselves just to beat the other, lol.
The countdown has started.... LESS than 4 weeks to get ready for the marathon, YIKES!!! I hope that I am not fooling myself, thinking that I will not be the last one to the finish line!!!

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