Saturday, December 20, 2008

A YuMmY Saturday Morning

Today me & the girlie's got up just a tad earlier than the Mr. & Ryder, and we had a very yummy, festive breakfast together!!!

There was much chatting as well, I love to hear all the little silly things that goes on between 2 sisters. Apparently Haylee had been looking up (during computer time at school) who made the nice list & who made the naughty list. Luckily we all made the nice list, Santa was a bit concerned though about how much TV Hopie was watching & he definitely thinks they need to eat more vegetables in place of junk food and I do believe he mentioned that they all need to use the words "Thank You" more often. Good advise, Santa!!!! Anyhoo, Hopie informed us all about her field trip to see Wallie, also that she has just discovered Payton & herself are the only 2 people in her class with the letter P in their names, smart girl;)!!!!!!

Our Scrumptious French Toast Christmas Tree's, Yummy!!!

The Mr. & the Boy snoozing away!!!
Don't worry they got some yummy french toast Christmas Tree's too!!!!
Just without the M&M ornaments, the girls snuck & ate them all (I guess you snooze, you lose)!!!

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