Thursday, September 25, 2008

Home Alone

I am home all alone right now!!! WOW can you believe it?!?! This is such a STRANGE occurrence. I can hear nothing but the attic fan, the house is some what clean & I know that I have a good hour just to put my feet up & enjoy!!!
I am learning to celebrate the small things and this is defiantly reason to celebrate. I went probably at least 5 or 6 years with NEVER being at home alone, but FINALLY the kids are getting bigger & I am getting more & more chances like this.
The Mr. took all the kiddos to the gym to practice b-ball (with Hopie). I hope that are having a delightful time because I know that I sure am!!!
I am off to park my hiney on the couch & see what's on t.v.!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So, all my children are getting older, more independent and more responsible. I welcome each new milestone with much excitement & gratitude.

Ryder has been getting more & more vocal about his wardrobe, he wants only basketball, baseball, football, hokey, basically anything sport related types of clothing. I am okay with some of that but not all the time!! I am sometimes impressed with what he chooses, he loves his red converse & usually wants to wear them with everything (that's fine, I kinda like the punk look).

Today he fell off the deep end, insisting to wear cowboy boots (not to bad, although I am not a huge fan of cowboy boots). The problem was he had 2 DIFFERENT boots with Dieago Skate Boarding knee pads, NICE!!!!

After trying to talk some sense into the boy, I gave up & decided who really cares. He won't do this forever (at least I'm hoping) and anyway we are just running to the library to go through the drive-thru!!! No harm it that!!!
Of course wrong feet also!!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Protesting Monday

 Uggg, Why do weekends Fly By so FAST????

Mondays, my least favorite day of the week are always about catching up for me. There is always heaping piles of laundry, meals to plan out for the week, catching up on e-mails, lists to be made, etc... etc.... etc...!!!! So today is really no different than any other Monday (well except I have an extra kiddo) same amount of laundry and such, but I'm protesting today & I don't think it will do me one bit of good!!

Our weekend was CrAzY BuSy!!! I need another weekend just to catch up from the weekend!!! Our weekend consisted of Hope & Basketball, yay, (LOVE that EVERY SINGLE Saturday for the next 7 weeks she has a game @ 8:15 A.M.) cupcake orders, baby showers, church things & High School Musical (which was AWESOME by the way)!!!!

High School Musical (My favorite, so far)!!!

So although I am protesting Monday today, I will go ahead & finish my laundry because I really don't want my son to have to wear his sisters underwear again, yes it has happened before & I don't really want my family to have cold cereal for dinner, even though that does happen around here once in a blue moon. So during my protest, I will basically do nothing different than the usual & anxiously await the next weekend!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sad Little Feller

I just got back from dropping both girl's off at the neighbors house for a birthday party and here is what I saw when I pulled out of the driveway

heartbreaking, I know!!!

And this is me spying on the girl's.

It is so rough for him, because he can hear & see them through the fence, so the Mr. is going to take him to go hit a bucket of balls up at the golf course.

I'm thinking that I'm going to snuggle in with a book, a big fat mt.dew & some warm yummy chocolate chip cookies. Now this is the life (well for about 2 hrs anyway)!!!!!

Update: no chocolate chips, only peanut butter chips but just as YuMmY!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Training Days

So training for a 10k run is hard work, but I have totally surprised myself because I am LOVING every minute of it!!! I have lost 3 pds this week, yay me!!!!! My Pastor has called a fast from caffeine & man made sugar things this week, so I'm sure that helped a ton. I am going to the Y everyday & jogging 2.25 miles and I am also doing weight machines. I think that I must be kinda weird because I love being in the weights room, it has such a strong, determined, I can do it atmosphere (reminds me a little of Rocky). Strange, I know!!!
So next week I plan on going to 3.5 miles everyday, I really hope that I can do it. The Mr. accompanied me today & I think he was a little surprised at how hard I have been working out, LOVE that!!! We ran side by side on the treadmills and I have to say, he was red & sweaty (really red & really sweaty) by time we finished our 2.25 miles. I was pretty impressed that he could just pick up & run that much even with no "building up" to it even if his shirt was completely soaked. Anyhoo... I guess I have a new work out partner because he liked it & wants to get in shape. I secretly think he just wants to show me up!!! We are both so darn competitive that we will end up killing ourselves just to beat the other, lol.
The countdown has started.... LESS than 4 weeks to get ready for the marathon, YIKES!!! I hope that I am not fooling myself, thinking that I will not be the last one to the finish line!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

My SuPeR hEro gUy

I am enjoying my alone time with this little guy. He is soaking up all this 1 on 1 time with his momma. We have been having loads of fun, going to the library, fishing, playing outside in the rain and going to the coffee house (won't do that again, he was a tad bit embarrassing demanding "MORE" whip topping on his slice of cheese cake) but we are always ready for the afternoon when we can go pick up our girlies!!! He got a new super hero outfit, while we were out & about one day last week and he could not wait to "scare" the girls when we picked them up from school. He fell asleep!!!!

So Cute!!!!!

This is a pic from our fishing trip, he mostly threw rocks. The fish WAS NOT drawn to this.

Not a successful fishing day.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Allergies UGH

So, I am home from church tonight, looking like Rudolph with puffy eyes. My allergies are terrible today, so I have been just laying around all evening being bored (that usually NEVER happens). The stuff I took made me a little groggy.
Update on Ryder, I took him to the Dr. this morning & same thing, allergies, so he is going to start taking a allergy med every day now. Hopefully this will control it.
It is raining now & is suppose to the rest of the week ( I think??), so my jogging is probably not going to happen=(. I'm thinking I need a new plan anyway that is a little more disciplined!!! Well that's it for today, just a couple of sickies around here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

BaBy LoVe

She is here & she is such a little beauty!!!! I just love fresh babies!!!! I am so very fortunate, I have 2 brand new darlings in my life right now & another on the way!!! My cousin just delivered about 3 weeks ago, little Gustin Sean (Gus), and I hate it that I missed his entrance into the world because we were on vacation but I made up for it and have got to spend a little bit of time with him. Another cousin is due sometime at the beginning of Nov. so I'm looking forward to that. And finally today my BFF (so cute to say, I mean type) delivered Ruby Anne. Ashley looks radiant, she is so happy that she's glowing!!! Ruby, of course is a doll, she looks just like her big sister!!!!!

So many babies going around, it almost make me want to have another. NOT!!!!!

Haylee & Ruby

Hopie & Ruby

Such a precious family!!!!!

What a day!!!!

Well, to start off I DID finish the cupcakes & this is what they looked like.

Today has been a CrAZy day so far!!!! Started out by waking 5 children ( Taylor & Brady spent the night) at 6:45. Did breakfast, got everyone dressed, brushed teeth,fixed hair, made lunches & ice waters, gathered school things and was out the door to take Taylor to school first then the girls next. They looked so cute with their wavy, punk rock to Hope, hair!!!!!

Our ( the boys & I) next stop was to Target and we spent way more time there that I had planned on. That ALWAYS happens, LOL!! On our way to the next destination, we spotted a friend from church, walking to work, so we stopped & offered her a ride. When she got out of the van Ryder asked if she was Ruby (because he knew that we are expecting her at some point today). Okay, so our next stop was the goodwill, and then Chick-fil-A & finally the farm. We had lots of fun at the farm & met a new friend. Ryder has been having really puffy eyes the last couple of days, but I haven't really thought much about it until we get ready to leave the farm and both of his eyes are so swollen that they are almost shut. So we decided to head home & on the way we got the call that little Ruby has arrived, Yay!!!!

Here is our day at the farm

The new friend

Ryder was trying to look like his new friend.

Driving the tractor

Trying to milk the cow

And this is what Ryder looks like now ( poor buddy) & yes, I have made him a Dr.'s Appointment!!!!

WOW, what a long post & guess what... there will be more later, because I'm going to see Ruby, so you know there will be more pics!!!!