Friday, May 27, 2011

junior high already...NOOOOO

Where did time go, seems like she just started pre-school:(

(don't really get the nerd glasses but i guess they are kinda least on her)

this is the face she made when i said "enjoy your last recess today, no more playground"

but this is mostly what she thinks of no more elementary!

she is so excited, which makes me excited for her!!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Anniversary

I guess this is what being married for 12 years looks like:)

we went all out and got ourselves a new gas grill...exciting, i know;)

Love you so much & would not trade 1second of the last 12 years for anything!!!
So thankful to have your love!!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

This year I am mother of 4.
I feel incredibly BLESSED to be momma of Haylee, Hope, Ryder & Jovie!!!!!!

haylee & hope were off at nana' no pic with them:(

this is the only picture that i have with them far

their gift to me was cleaning up & planting in my flower beds & re-mulching them

GREAT gift!!!!!

just hanging out in the front yard makes me happy!

Thanks for a GREAT Mother's Day!
(baby you get all the credit for planning it & making my day super!!)


Happy Mother's Day
to the BEST Mom EVER!!!!

love her so much and so do my kiddos!!!!!