Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just in time!


Can I just say how much I LOVE my new Rachael Ray Cookware!?!?!?!!!!
I am plumb giddy that I get to prepare our Thanksgiving Feast with these babies!!!
Hope is pretty ExCiTed too, you know how she thinks she is Rachael Ray and all, LOL!!!
I am officially retiring my 11 year old T-Fal set, it has been great and served the Rapp Family well but I believe it's time to move on!!!
Anyhoo, that's all. Thanks Honey!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

~Tree of Thanks~


Our Thankful Tree

We are SO thankful for SO many things this year!!!! This was such a fun little project to do with the kiddos, I think we shall make it a family tradition to do each year at Thanksgiving time.

Ryder was thankful for~ The Golf Course (he has been all of 2 or 3 times), Basketball, Baseball, Football & Nascar. Typical boy!!! He already tore his off the tree!!!!

Hope was thankful for~ Sisters, Mom & Dad, Best Friends, Mrs. Youngblood and Jesus.

Haylee was thankful for~ God's Grace, Family, Love, Friends & Home.

We have MUCH to thank the Lord for this Thanksgiving!!!!
I had to through 1 of mine in just for fun, my SUPER HOT Boyfriend (the Mr.)!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008


So, as of today we have been back home for 3 weeks now. It is amazing how we are just settling right back in, where we left off. We (all 6 of us, sassy included) are sooooo HaPpY to be back in our humble little home, life just feels so much cozier here!!!

We have had a TON going on (birthday's, sleep~overs, 1st days at a new school, sermon series & on & on) so I have not got nearly enough done around here. Slowly but surely is going to be my new motto, I believe.

Here is a few things that have been finished & oh how I love them!!!!
My Chalk Board Wall
The Girls Room
The Fireplace (it's not completely finished yet).
We have SOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE to do, so what in the world am I doing. I need to HOP TO IT!!!!